By Any Means Necessary
However, with our limited available parking, please respect our neighbors and don’t hesitate to get creative in how you get here. Here’s a few ideas…
Bike, Walk, Uber, Lyft, COTA Bus, Carpool, Scooter, Etc.
If you are driving down to visit, please use the two lots across the street on the Eastern corners of Beck and Parsons Ave. Street parking is also available on both sides of Beck (East and West of Parsons) as well as on Elsmere. When the Taproom is open, the permit parking is NOT in effect. You may park there. Permit Parking is only in effect from 10am-6pm Monday through Friday and you may park there for 3 hours during that time.
Any questions? Give us a call or reach out on Facebook or Instagram!
Green - No Restrictions
Gold - Weekdays 3pm to Midnight, Weekends - No Restrictions
Green Striped - NO PARKING unless explicit permission from Toro owners is given.
Cars left longer than 24 hours in Green lots are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.